Sean Hannity's photo album from the Bunny Ranch set me to thinking about my trips to the bordello. There's was one east of Fallon Nevada, on U.S. 50. Waayyy out in the desert at Salt Wells .... The Salt Wells Whorehouse. I got on a rig drilling out of Fallon in the spring of 1980. We were drilling a geothermal exploration hole at Austin, Nevada, which is a 150 miles east of Fallon. We were staying in Austin, but on weekends we drove back to Fallon. The bar at the Salt Wells Bordello was the first place to get a beer coming from Austin, and we would stop to get one there every time we made the trip.
The first time we stopped, I was at the bar talking to the driller Tom, and after a bit I sensed someone had taken stool next to me. I turned, and there was a great looking employee of the bordello.
She smiled and said, "It's all your fault."
I said, "Excuse me ?"
She said, "Your eyes, it's all your fault."