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Live Performances Famous Actor Kevin Hart Worldwide

Kevin Hart performances in cities around the world will soon be implemented in 2015. FL on 03/27/2015 with an additional 49 dates remaining on the schedule. End date on this day set for Philadelphia, PA on 08/30/2015.

2015 Kevin Hart tour around the world, live performances Kevin Hart 2015 can be obtained by ordering tickets in advance.
Listed in 2015 Kevin Hart tour schedule throughout the cities in the world:

Estero, FL 03/27/2015 8:00 PM
Clemson, SC 03/28/2015 9:00 PM
University Park, PA 29/03/2015 7:30 PM
San Antonio, TX 9/4/2015 8:00 PM
North Little Rock, AR 04/10/2015 TBD
Oklahoma City, OK 04/11/2015 TBD
Buffalo, NY 17/04/2015 8:00 PM
Uncasville, CT 18/04/2015 8:00 PM
Nashville, TN 19/04/2015 8:00 PM
Orlando, FL 24/04/2015 8:00 PM
Jacksonville, FL 04/25/2015 8:00 PM
Birmingham, AL 26/04/2015 TBD
Raleigh, NC 05/01/2015 8:00 PM
Charlotte, NC 2/5/2015 8:00 PM
Richmond, VA 03/05/2015 8:00 PM
Tampa, FL 8/5/2015 8:00 PM
Miami, FL 9/5/2015 7:00 PM
Minneapolis, MN 15/05/2015 8:00 PM
Auburn Hills, MI 16/05/2015 7:00 PM
Las Vegas, NV 05/24/2015 8:00 PM
Boston, MA 06/05/2015 TBD
Baltimore, MD 06/06/2015 8:00 PM
Atlanta, GA 12/06/2015 8:00 PM
Augusta, GA 14/06/2015 TBD
Indianapolis, IN 06/19/2015 8:00 PM
Cincinnati, OH 06/20/2015 8:00 PM
Cleveland, OH 21/06/2015 8:00 PM
Los Angeles, CA 25/06/2015 TBD
Memphis, TN 7/3/2015 TBD
New York, NY 7/7/2015 8:00 PM

Book your tickets now and see live performances famous actor Kevin Hart.